Shackamaxon #2 Site

The Shackamaxon #2 Site was initially investigated in 2009–2011, with additional excavations in an associated portion of the site completed in 2014. The site was originally identified at the northeast corner of Columbia and Delaware Avenues, within the Kensington-Fishtown neighborhood; however, subsequent testing demonstrated that parts of the site extended under the highway into ground

Shackamaxon #3

The Shackamaxon #3 Site was originally tested in 2010 and subjected to more intensive documentation in 2013. This pre-contact occupation was identified beneath the I-95 viaduct, in the block bounded by Delaware Avenue, Palmer Street, Salmon Street, and Montgomery Avenue. Like other pre-contact sites in this vicinity, artifacts comprising this occupation were impacted to some


Site Page Somerset-Cambria Explore Somerset-Cambria: The project area consisted of the eastern half of the block fronting on the former Richmond Street. The area was mechanically stripped and hand excavated, revealing truncated B horizon overlain by historical fill and asphalt. Within the site boundary, six discrete areas were excavated based on planned construction impacts. These


Site Page T3 Explore T3: Pre-contact artifacts were identified at depths of between 6 and 7 feet below the present ground surface, and were contained in intact soil deposits encountered between the former machine shop’s reinforced concrete foundations. The T3 Site is an extraordinary example of a significant archaeological site that survived despite impacts from