Port Richmond: Huntingdon-Lehigh

Site Page




Site NamePort Richmond: Huntingdon-Lehigh
Dates of Excavation
Phase of Excavation
Number of Units
Approximate Number of Features Identified22
Associated Periods
Site Acreage19.13

In September 2013, the Huntingdon-Lehigh Site was subjected to a combination of shovel testing, mechanically assisted stripping, and the excavation of 18 5-x-5-foot excavation units. The program of archaeological testing identified areas of intact buried A horizon across the site, as well as a variety of intact historic features that included 10 postholes/molds, 3 foundations, and 5 brick-lined shaft features. The spatial arrangement of the identified features points to their association with several combined shop-dwellings—including their rear yard areas, additions, and outbuildings—that fronted on Richmond Street during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Site Page


Site NamePort Richmond: Huntingdon-Lehigh
Dates of Excavation
Phase of Excavation
Number of Units
Approximate Number of Features Identified22
Associated Periods
Site Acreage19.13

In September 2013, the Huntingdon-Lehigh Site was subjected to a combination of shovel testing, mechanically assisted stripping, and the excavation of 18 5-x-5-foot excavation units. The program of archaeological testing identified areas of intact buried A horizon across the site, as well as a variety of intact historic features that included 10 postholes/molds, 3 foundations, and 5 brick-lined shaft features. The spatial arrangement of the identified features points to their association with several combined shop-dwellings—including their rear yard areas, additions, and outbuildings—that fronted on Richmond Street during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.