Site Page
Ellen Street

Ellen Street:
Site Name | Ellen Street |
PASS# | 36PH0231 |
Image | |
Dates of Excavation | |
Phase of Excavation | |
Number of Units | |
Approximate Number of Features Identified | 19 |
Associated Periods | |
Site Acreage |
The area was mechanically stripped and hand-excavated. Twentieth-century highway construction disturbed much of the stratigraphy of the site, which generally contained architectural debris directly overlying a natural B horizon. Structural remains of at least five buildings were encountered in the survey area, represented by the remains of approximately five foundations. The buildings include four domestic structures, one with an associated hearth, and an area which potentially represents the remains of stables and light industrial structures built on a similar footprint. Iterations of these buildings appear on maps starting in the second half of the nineteenth century and continuing into the twentieth century, but may date earlier. Three circular brick-lined shafts were also located and excavated. Two of these shafts were associated with the same brick superstructure. No primary deposits were found in any of the shafts.
Site Page
Ellen Street

Site Name | Ellen Street |
PASS# | 36PH0231 |
Image | |
Dates of Excavation | |
Phase of Excavation | |
Number of Units | |
Approximate Number of Features Identified | 19 |
Associated Periods | |
Site Acreage |
The area was mechanically stripped and hand-excavated. Twentieth-century highway construction disturbed much of the stratigraphy of the site, which generally contained architectural debris directly overlying a natural B horizon. Structural remains of at least five buildings were encountered in the survey area, represented by the remains of approximately five foundations. The buildings include four domestic structures, one with an associated hearth, and an area which potentially represents the remains of stables and light industrial structures built on a similar footprint. Iterations of these buildings appear on maps starting in the second half of the nineteenth century and continuing into the twentieth century, but may date earlier. Three circular brick-lined shafts were also located and excavated. Two of these shafts were associated with the same brick superstructure. No primary deposits were found in any of the shafts.